Committee: Discipline
Decision Date: 18 Sep 1984
In September 1984, Dr. Grosser pleaded guilty to a charge of incompetence, as defined in s. 60(4) of the Health Disciplines Act, 1980, as amended, in that he displayed in his professional care of a patient a lack of knowledge, skill or judgment or disregard for the welfare of the patient of a nature or to an extent that demonstrates he is unfit to continue in practice. Dr. Grosser further pleaded guilty to a charge of professional misconduct, as defined in Ontario Regulation 448/80, as amended, in that he failed to maintain the records that are required to be kept respecting his patients, contrary to s. 27(3); in that he falsified a record in respect of the examination or treatment of a patient, contrary to s. 27(16); in that he failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession, contrary to s. 27(21); in that he made improper use of the authority to prescribe, sell or dispense a drug, including falsifying a record in respect of the prescription or sale of a drug, contrary to s. 27(26); and in that he engaged in conduct or an act relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional, contrary to s. 27(32). The Discipline Committee accepted these pleas, and found Dr. Grosser guilty of incompetence and professional misconduct. Consequently, the Committee ordered that Dr. Grosser(s licence to practice be revoked.
Appeal: No Appeal
Hearing Date(s): Sep 17, 1984