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Parkinson, Matthew Ramcharan

CPSO#: 86268

Active Member as of 11 Mar 2024
Restricted as of 18 Feb 2024


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Former Name: No Former Name

Gender: Male

Languages Spoken: English, French

Education: University of Ottawa, 2007

Practice Information

Primary Location of Practice
Practice Address Not Available

Professional Corporation Information

Corporation Name: Matthew Ramcharan Parkinson Medicine Professional Corporation
Certificate of Authorization Status: Inactive: Sep 3 2024

Medical Licences in Other Jurisdictions

Effective September 1, 2015, the College by-laws require the College to indicate on the register if the member has a licence or is registered to practise medicine in a jurisdiction outside Ontario, if this is known to the College.

Newfoundland and Labrador


Specialty Issued On Type
General Surgery Effective:10 Jun 2016 RCPSC Specialist

Postgraduate Training

Please note: This information may not be a complete record of postgraduate training.

Queen's University, 01 Jul 2007 to 30 Jun 2008
PostGrad Yr 1 - General Surgery

Queen's University, 01 Jul 2008 to 30 Jun 2009
PostGrad Yr 2 - General Surgery

Queen's University, 01 Jul 2009 to 30 Jun 2010
PostGrad Yr 3 - General Surgery

Queen's University, 01 Jul 2010 to 30 Jun 2011
PostGrad Yr 3 - General Surgery

Queen's University, 01 Jul 2011 to 30 Jun 2012
PostGrad Yr 3 - General Surgery

Queen's University, 01 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2013
PostGrad Yr 4 - General Surgery

Queen's University, 01 Jul 2013 to 30 Jun 2014
PostGrad Yr 5 - General Surgery

Queen's University, 01 Jul 2014 to 25 Aug 2014
PostGrad Yr 5 - General Surgery

Queen's University, 26 Aug 2014 to 30 Jun 2015
CF - General Surgery

Queen's University, 15 Jul 2015 to 30 Jun 2016
CF - General Surgery

Registration History

Action Issue Date
First certificate of registration issued: Postgraduate Education Certificate Effective: 01 Jul 2007
Expired: Terms and conditions of certificate of registration Expiry: 29 Mar 2011
Subsequent certificate of registration issued: Restricted certificate Effective: 29 Mar 2011
Expired: Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by Registration Committee Effective: 30 Jun 2011
Subsequent certificate of registration Issued: Postgraduate Education Certificate Effective: 01 Jul 2011
Expired: Terms and conditions of certificate of registration Expiry: 21 Nov 2014
Subsequent certificate of registration issued: Restricted certificate Effective: 21 Nov 2014
Expired: Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by Registration Committee Effective: 21 Dec 2016
Subsequent certificate of registration Issued: Independent Practice Certificate Effective: 22 Dec 2016
Suspension of registration imposed: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee Effective: 05 Dec 2023
Transfer of class of certificate to: Restricted certificate Effective: 18 Feb 2024
Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by member Effective: 18 Feb 2024
Suspension of registration removed Effective: 11 Mar 2024

Practice Restrictions

Imposed By Effective Date Expiry Date Status
member Effective: 18 Feb 2024 Active
 As from February 18, 2024, the following is imposed as a term, condition and limitation on the certificate of registration held by Dr. Parkinson in accordance with an undertaking and consent given by Dr. Parkinson to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario:

Dr. Parkinson has voluntarily ceased to practise medicine in all jurisdictions.


Source: Other
Active Date: December 18, 2023
Expiry Date:
Bail Conditions

On December 18, 2023, the following Bail Conditions were imposed on Matthew Parkinson:

1.  Parkinson must notify Police of any change to his address.
2.  Parkinson must not communicate, directly or indirectly, with named persons.
3.  Parkinson must not go to any known place of employment, residence, school or worship for named persons.
4.  Parkinson must not enter a named location.
5.  Parkinson must not possess a firearm, crossbow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, and must surrender those that are in his possession and also any authorization, licence or registration certificate or other document enabling him to acquire or possess them to Police.
5.  Parkinson must surrender his Restricted Possession and Acquisition Licence to Police.


Source: Other
Active Date: December 15, 2023
Expiry Date:

Matthew Parkinson was charged with the following offences:

1. Three Counts of Uttering Threats – to cause death or bodily harm, between January 1, 2021 and August 30, 2021, contrary to section 264.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
2.  Assault, between August 1, 2021 and August 30, 2021 contrary to section 266 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
3.  Forcible Confinement, between August 1, 2021 and August 30, 2021, contrary to section 279(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
4.  Harassing Communications, on or about April 27, 2023, contrary to section 372(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
5.  Careless storage of Firearm, Weapon, Prohibited Device or Ammunition, on or about December 15, 2023, contrary to section 86(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
6.  Two Counts of Possession of a Prohibited Device or Ammunition, on or about December 15, 2023, contrary to section 92(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Date of Charge: December 15, 2023
Place of Charge: Sioux Lookout
Ontario Provincial Police