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Depass, Ian Egbert

CPSO#: 64925

Active Member as of 05 May 1992
Restricted as of 07 Aug 2008


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Former Name: No Former Name

Gender: Male

Languages Spoken: English

Education: Memorial University of Newfoundland Facu, 1989

Practice Information

Primary Location of Practice
45 Kensington Pl
Chatham ON  N7M 2X7 Electoral District: 01

Professional Corporation Information

Corporation Name: DePass Medicine Professional Corporation
Certificate of Authorization Status: Issued Date:  Mar 22 2006

Dr. I. Depass ( CPSO# 64925 )

Business Address:
65 Thames Street
Chatham ON  N7L 1S4
Phone Number: (519) 354-1200

Business Address:
45 Kensington Pl
Chatham ON  N7M 2X7
Phone Number: 5194013623

Hospital Privileges

Hospital Location
Chatham Public General Hospital Society Chatham
Chatham-Kent Health Alliance Chatham
St Joseph's Health Centre,Toronto Toronto


Specialty Issued On Type
General Surgery Effective:17 Jun 1997 RCPSC Specialist

Registration History

Action Issue Date
First certificate of registration issued: Independent Practice Certificate Effective: 05 May 1992
Transfer of class of certificate to: Restricted certificate Effective: 07 Aug 2008
Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by Executive Committee Effective: 07 Aug 2008
Terms and conditions amended by Discipline Committee Effective: 30 Mar 2010

Practice Restrictions

Imposed By Effective Date Expiry Date Status
Discipline Committee Effective: 30 Mar 2010 Active

            As from 11:59 p.m., March 30, 2010, by order of the Discipline Committee of the
            College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the following terms, conditions
            and limitations are imposed on the certificate registration held by Dr. Ian
            Egbert Depass:

                  a)    Dr. Depass' practice shall be limited to being a surgical assistant
                        in a hospital setting, and he may only practise as a surgical
                        assistant while a certified surgeon who has been approved by the
                        College is performing the surgery and is in attendance.  This means
                        that he may only assist other surgeons on their cases and cannot by
                        the primary surgeon in any case, and that he is precluded from
                        providing pre-operative and post-operative care or any office
                  b)    That notice be placed in the operating room area so that all
                        professional staff are aware of the restrictions noted in (a).

                  c)    That so long as the above terms, conditions and limitations are in
                        effect, Dr. Depass shall co-operate with unannounced inspections of
                        his practice and patient charts by a College representative for the
                        purpose of monitoring and enforcing his compliance with them.  

Previous Hearings

Committee: Discipline
Decision Date: 10 Jul 2012

On July 10, 2012, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Ian Egbert DePass committed an act of professional misconduct, in that he failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession. Dr. DePass admitted to the professional misconduct. Since early August 2008, Dr. DePass has been practising only as a surgical assistant.

The Discipline Committee found that Dr. DePass failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession in relation to his care and treatment of five patients. The Discipline Committee ordered and directed that:

1. the Registrar maintain the following terms, conditions and limitations on Dr. DePass' certificate of registration:

(i) Dr. DePass' practice shall be limited to being a surgical assistant in a hospital setting, and he may only practise as a surgical assistant while a certified surgeon who has been approved by the College is performing the surgery and is in attendance. This means that he may only assist other surgeons on their cases and cannot be the primary surgeon in any case, and that he is precluded from providing preoperative and postoperative care or any office practice.

(ii) That notice be placed in the operating room area so that all professional staff are aware of the restrictions noted in (i).

(iii) That so long as the above terms, conditions and limitations are in effect, Dr. DePass shall cooperate with unannounced inspections of his practice and patient charts by a College representative for the purpose of monitoring and enforcing his compliance with them.

2. Dr. DePass appear before the panel to be reprimanded.

3. Dr. DePass pay costs to the College in the amount of $3,650 within ninety (90) days from the date of this Order.

Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Appeal: No Appeal
Hearing Date(s): July 10, 2012


Committee: Discipline
Decision Date: 08 Oct 2009

On October 8, 2009, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Depass, a general surgeon, committed an act of professional misconduct, in that he failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession. The Committee also found that Dr. Depass is incompetent, that is, his care of three patients displayed a lack of knowledge, skill and judgment and disregard for patient welfare of such a nature and to an extent that demonstrates that he is unfit to continue to practise or that his practice should be restricted.

The Committee found that Dr. Depass failed to meet the standard of practice and is incompetent with respect to his management of the abdominal surgery of three patients including aspects of pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative care such as:

Regarding Patient A, failing to take sufficient steps to confirm the working diagnosis in advance of the operation and in the post-operative management of the patient.

Regarding Patient B, in failing to conduct a radiologic procedure during surgery and failing to undertake sufficient investigations during the post-operative period before discharging the patient.

Regarding Patient E, in failing to refer the patient to a surgeon with the requisite skill to manage a difficult and locally-advanced tumor.

On March 30, 2010, the Discipline Committee ordered and directed that:

1. Dr. DePass attend before the panel to be reprimanded on a date not later than three months from the date that the order becomes final.

2. The Registrar impose the following terms, conditions and limitations on Dr. DePass' certificate of registration for an indefinite period of time:

a) Dr. DePass' practice shall be limited to being a surgical assistant in a hospital setting, and he may only practise as a surgical assistant while a certified surgeon who has been approved by the College is performing the surgery and is in attendance. This means that he may only assist other surgeons on their cases and cannot be the primary surgeon in any case, and that he is precluded from providing pre-operative and post-operative care or any office practice.

b) That notice be placed in the operating room area so that all professional staff are aware of the restrictions noted in (a).

c) That so long as the above terms, conditions and limitations are in effect, Dr. DePass shall co-operate with unannounced inspections of his practice and patient charts by a College representative for the purpose of monitoring and enforcing his compliance with them.

Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Appeal: No Appeal
Hearing Date(s): June 22-24 and June 26 continuing July 7-9, 2009