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Matheson, Jeffrey Rice Holmes

CPSO#: 63625

Active Member as of 14 Mar 2023
Restricted as of 28 May 2015


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.

Former Name: No Former Name

Gender: Male

Languages Spoken: English

Education: McGill University Faculty of Medicine an, 1991

Practice Information

Primary Location of Practice
555 Kingston Rd W
First Floor
Ajax ON  L1S 6M1 Electoral District: 05

Professional Corporation Information

Corporation Name: Dr. Jeffrey R.H. Matheson Medicine Professional Corporation
Certificate of Authorization Status: Issued Date:  Dec 21 2005

Dr. J. Matheson ( CPSO# 63625 )

Business Address:
1st Floor
555 Kingston Road West
Ajax ON  L1S 6M1
Phone Number: (905) 477-4677


Specialty Issued On Type
No Speciality Reported

Registration History

Action Issue Date
First certificate of registration issued: Postgraduate Education Certificate Effective: 15 Jun 1991
Expired: Terms and conditions of certificate of registration Expiry: 14 Jun 1992
Subsequent certificate of registration Issued: Independent Practice Certificate Effective: 19 Jun 1992
Transfer of class of certificate to: Restricted certificate Effective: 28 May 2015
Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by member Effective: 28 May 2015
Terms and conditions amended by member Effective: 16 Feb 2016
Terms and conditions amended by Discipline Committee Effective: 01 May 2017
Terms and conditions amended by Discipline Committee Effective: 01 May 2017
Suspension of registration removed Effective: 01 Sep 2017
Terms and conditions amended by member Effective: 11 Aug 2020
Suspension of registration imposed: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee Effective: 28 Apr 2021
Suspension of registration imposed: Discipline Committee Effective: 14 Jun 2022
Suspension of registration removed Effective: 14 Mar 2023
Terms and conditions amended by member Effective: 21 Sep 2023
Terms and conditions amended by member Effective: 01 Jun 2024
Terms and conditions amended by member Effective: 26 Jun 2024

Practice Restrictions

Imposed By Effective Date Expiry Date Status
member Effective: 01 Jun 2024 Active
(1 of 4)

As from March 14, 2023, the following are imposed as terms, conditions and limitations on the certificate of registration held by Dr. Jeffrey Rice Holmes Matheson in accordance with an undertaking and consent given by Dr. Matheson to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario:



("Dr. Matheson")


(the "College")


(1)	In this Undertaking:

"Code" means the Health Professions Procedural Code, which is Schedule 2 to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 18, as amended; 

"Discipline Tribunal" means the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal of the College;

"OHIP" means the Ontario Health Insurance Plan; 

"Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal" means the Discipline Committee established under the Code;

"Public Register" means the College's register that is available to the public. 

(2)	I, Dr. Matheson, certificate of registration number 63625, am a member of the College. 

(3)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge that the College has referred to the Discipline Tribunal, in the matter of College File Number CAS-375329-P3Z7R0, allegations that I engaged in an act or omission that would reasonably be regarded as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional in that I breached my Undertaking to the College and failed to abide by the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 protocols and directives and that I contravened a term, condition or limitation on my certificate of registration in that I breached my Undertaking to the College.


(4)	I, Dr. Matheson, undertake to abide by the provisions of this Undertaking, effective upon the completion of any suspension period ordered by the Discipline Tribunal ("Effective Date").

(5)	Practice Restrictions

(a)	I, Dr. Matheson, undertake to comply with all COVID-19 public health directives, protocols and guidelines issued by Ontario Public Health and/or the Ontario government applicable to physicians and healthcare facilities in Ontario, while in effect and as may be amended from time to time.

(6)	Workplace Monitoring

(a)	I, Dr. Matheson, undertake that, for a minimum period of twelve (12) months, and for each location in which I practice medicine, I will engage an independent Workplace Monitor, who is a regulated health professional approved by the College, and who will sign an undertaking to the College in the form attached hereto as Appendix "A" ("Workplace Monitor" or "Workplace Monitors"). Monitoring will cease only upon approval from the College, and after a minimum of twelve (12) months of Workplace Monitoring have occurred.

(b)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge that I have reviewed the Workplace Monitor's undertaking attached at Appendix "A" hereto, and understand what is required of the Workplace Monitor, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing:

(i)	monitoring all of my in-person professional encounters, ("Professional Encounters") with all patients, to ensure my compliance with the restriction set out in (5) above. After a minimum period of six (6) months, and receipt of satisfactory reports from my Workplace Monitor, the College may, in its discretion, reduce the frequency of monitoring of my Professional Encounters to a lower level;

(ii)	maintaining a log of all Professional Encounters with patients in the form attached to this Undertaking as Appendix "B" (the "Log") and in the manner described in Appendix "A", and making the Log available to the College upon request;

(iii)	ensuring that my office management practices, including communication between office staff and patients, comply with all COVID-19 public health directives, protocols and guidelines issued by Public Health Ontario and/or the Ontario government applicable to physicians and healthcare facilities in Ontario, while in effect and as may be amended from time to time;

(iv)	reviewing any documentation at the practice location that my Workplace Monitor deems relevant to their inquiries, including records, policies, and procedures; 

(v)	consulting with other staff as may be necessary;

(vi)	immediate reporting to the College if my Workplace Monitor believes that I am exposing or am likely to expose my patients to harm or injury, or that I am not in compliance with my Undertaking;  

(vii)	responding to oral and/or written inquiries from the College; and

(viii)	submitting a report to the College on a monthly basis.

(7)	Posting a Sign

(a)	I, Dr. Matheson, undertake that I shall post a sign in all waiting rooms, examination rooms and consulting rooms, in all of my Practice Locations, in a clearly visible and secure location, at all times whether or not I am physically present at the Practice Location, in the form set out in Appendix "C" that states: "Dr. Matheson must comply with all COVID-19 public health directives, protocols and guidelines issued by Ontario Public Health and/or the Ontario government applicable to physicians and healthcare facilities in Ontario, while in effect and as may be amended from time to time. All patient encounters must be observed by a workplace monitor approved by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Further information may be found on the College website at".

(b)	I, Dr. Matheson, undertake to post a certified translation in any language in which I provide services, of the sign described in section (7)(a), in all waiting rooms, examination rooms and consulting rooms, in all of my Practice Locations, in a clearly visible and secure location, in the form set out at Appendix "C."

(c)	I, Dr. Matheson, undertake to provide the certified translation described in section (7)(b), to the College within thirty (30) days of executing this Undertaking.

(d)	I, Dr. Matheson, undertake that if I elect, after the execution of this Undertaking, to provide services in any other language, I will notify the College prior to providing any such services.

(e)	I, Dr. Matheson, undertake to provide to the College the certified translation described in section (7)(b) prior to beginning to provide services in any language described in section (7)(d).


(8)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge that all appendices attached to or referred to in this Undertaking form part of this Undertaking.

(9)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge and undertake that I shall be solely responsible for payment of all fees, costs, charges, expenses, etc. arising from the implementation of any of the provisions of this Undertaking.

(10)	I, Dr. Matheson, undertake to inform the College of each and every location at which I practice, delegate, or have privileges, including, but not limited to, any hospitals, clinics, offices, and any Out-of-Hospital Premises and Independent Health Facilities with which I am affiliated, in any jurisdiction (collectively my "Practice Location" or "Practice Locations"), within five (5) days of executing this Undertaking. Going forward, I further undertake to inform the College of any and all new Practice Locations within five (5) days of commencing practice at that location.

(11)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge that I have read and understand the provisions of this Undertaking, and that I have obtained independent legal counsel in reviewing and executing this Undertaking, or have waived my right to do so.

(12)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge that the College will provide this Undertaking to any Chief of Staff, or a colleague with similar responsibilities, at any Practice Location ("Chief of Staff" or "Chiefs of Staff").

(13)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge that a breach of any provision of this Undertaking may constitute an act of professional misconduct and may result in a referral of specified allegations to the Discipline Tribunal.

(14)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge that this Undertaking constitutes terms, conditions, and limitations on my certificate of registration for the purposes of section 23 of the Code. 

(15)	Public Register

(a)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge that, during the time period that this Undertaking remains in effect, this Undertaking shall be posted on the Public Register.

(b)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge that, in addition to this Undertaking being posted in accordance with section (15)(a) above, the following summary shall be posted on the Public Register during the time period that this Undertaking remains in effect:

Dr. Matheson will comply with all COVID-19 public health directives, protocols and guidelines issued by Ontario Public Health and/or the Ontario government applicable to physicians and healthcare facilities in Ontario, while in effect and as may be amended from time to time.


(16)	I, Dr. Matheson, give my irrevocable consent to the College to make appropriate enquiries of OHIP and/or any person who or institution that may have relevant information, in order for the College to monitor my compliance with the provisions of this Undertaking.

(17)	I, Dr. Matheson, acknowledge that I have executed the OHIP consent form, attached hereto as Appendix "D".

(18)	I, Dr. Matheson, consent to submit and not interfere with, unannounced inspections by the College of my Practice Locations and to the inspection of patient charts or any other records relevant to my practice of medicine and to the collection of information (in person, orally and/or in writing) from staff or other individuals that the College deems necessary in order to monitor my compliance with the provisions of this Undertaking.

(19)	I, Dr. Matheson, give my irrevocable consent to the College to provide the following information to all Workplace Monitors:

(a)	any information the College has that led to the circumstances of my entering into this Undertaking;

(b)	any information arising from any investigation into, or assessment of, my practice; and 

(c)	any information arising from the monitoring of my compliance with this Undertaking.

(20)	I, Dr. Matheson, give my irrevocable consent to all Workplace Monitors to disclose to the College, and to one another, any of the following:

(a)	any information relevant to this Undertaking;

(b)	any information relevant to the provisions of the Workplace Monitor's undertaking set out at Appendix "A"; 

(c)	any information relevant for the purposes of monitoring my compliance with this Undertaking.

(21)	I, Dr. Matheson, give my irrevocable consent to the College to provide all Chiefs of Staff with any information the College has that led to the circumstances of my entering into this Undertaking and/or any information arising from the monitoring of my compliance with this Undertaking.

(2 of 4)

As from June 14, 2022 by order of the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal, the following terms, conditions and limitations are imposed on the certificate of registration held by Dr. Jeffrey Rice Holmes Matheson: 

a. Dr. Matheson shall not communicate to his patients advice or recommendations that are contrary to directives and/or guidelines issued by the provincial government or public health authorities regarding public health measures related to COVID-19.

(3 of 4)

As from August 11, 2020, the following terms, conditions and limitations are imposed on the certificate of registration held by Dr. Jeffrey Rice Holmes Matheson, in accordance with an undertaking and consent Dr. Matheson has given to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario:



("Dr. Matheson")


(the "College")


(1)   In this Undertaking:

"Code" means the Health Professions Procedural Code, which is Schedule 2 to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 18, as amended; 
"Discipline Committee" means the Discipline Committee of the College;
"NMS" means the Drug Program Services Branch, the Narcotics Monitoring System implemented under the Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010;
"OHIP" means the Ontario Health Insurance Plan;
"Public Register" means the College's register that is available to the public.
(2)   I, Dr. Matheson certificate of registration number 63625, am a member of the College.  

(3)   I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge that the College conducted an investigation bearing File Number 1104153 (the "Investigation") into whether I engaged in professional misconduct and/or am incompetent in my complementary/alternative medicine practice.

(4)   I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge that, after the College receives an original copy of this Undertaking as signed by me, no further action will be taken on the Investigation. 


(5)   I, Dr. Matheson undertake to abide by the provisions of this Undertaking, effective immediately. 

(6)   Practice Restriction

(a)   I, Dr. Matheson undertake that I shall not prescribe any complementary/alternative medications or treatments on the basis of an assessment performed by someone else that was conducted outside of the province of Ontario.
(7)   Monitoring 

(a)   I, Dr. Matheson undertake to inform the College of each and every location at which I practise or have privileges, including, but not limited to, any hospitals, clinics, offices, and any Independent Health Facilities with which I am affiliated, in any jurisdiction (collectively my "Practice Location" or "Practice Locations"), within five (5) days of executing this Undertaking.  Going forward, I further undertake to inform the College of any and all new Practice Locations within five (5) days of commencing practice at that location.
(b)   I, Dr. Matheson undertake that I will submit to, and not interfere with, unannounced inspections of my Practice Locations and patient charts by a College representative for the purposes of monitoring my compliance with the provisions of this Undertaking.
(c)   I, Dr. Matheson give my irrevocable consent to the College to make appropriate enquiries of OHIP, NMS and/or any person who or institution that may have relevant information, in order for the College to monitor my compliance with the provisions of this Undertaking.
(d)   I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge that I have executed the OHIP and NMS consent forms, attached hereto as Appendix "A" and Appendix "B", respectively.

(8)   I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge that all appendices attached to or referred to in this Undertaking form part of this Undertaking.

(9)   I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge and undertake that I shall be solely responsible for payment of all fees, costs, charges, expenses, etc. arising from the implementation of any of the provisions of this Undertaking. 

(10)  I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge that I have read and understand the provisions of this Undertaking and that I have obtained independent legal counsel in reviewing and executing this Undertaking,or have waived my right to do so.

(11)  I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge that the College will provide this Undertaking to any Chief of Staff, or a colleague with similar responsibilities, at any Practice Location ("Chief of Staff" or "Chiefs of Staff").

(12)  I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge that a breach by me of any provision of this Undertaking may constitute an act of professional misconduct and/or incompetence, and may result in a referral of specified allegations to the Discipline Committee.

(13)  I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge that this Undertaking constitutes terms, conditions, and limitations on my certificate of registration for the purposes of section 23 of the Code. 

(14)  Public Register

(a)   I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge that, during the time period that this Undertaking remains in effect, this Undertaking shall be posted on the Public Register.
(b)   I, Dr. Matheson acknowledge that, in addition to this Undertaking being posted in accordance with section (14)(a) above, the following summary shall be posted on the Public Register during the time period that this Undertaking remains in effect:
A College investigation was conducted into whether Dr. Matheson engaged in professional misconduct and/or was incompetent in the practice of complementary/alternative medicine. 

As a result of the investigation, Dr. Matheson must not prescribe complementary/alternative medications or treatments to patients on the basis of an assessment conducted by someone else outside the province of Ontario.

(15)  I, Dr. Matheson give my irrevocable consent to the College to provide all Chiefs of Staff with any information the College has that led to the circumstances of my entering into this Undertaking and/or any information arising from the monitoring of my compliance with this Undertaking.

(4 of 4)

As from 12:01 a.m., May 1, 2017, by order of the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal, the following term, condition and limitation is imposed on the certificate of registration held by Dr Jeffrey Rice Holmes Matheson:

Prescribing Privileges 

(1)   Dr. Matheson shall not issue new prescriptions or renew existing prescriptions for any of the following substances:

(a)   Narcotic Drugs (from the Narcotic Control Regulations made under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, S.C., 1996, c. 19);
(b)   Narcotic Preparations (from the Narcotic Control Regulations made under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, S.C., 1996, c. 19); 
(c)   Controlled Drugs (from Part G of the Food and Drug Regulations under the Food and Drugs Act, S.C., 1985, c. F-27); 
(d)   Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances (from the Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations made under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act., S.C., 1996, c. 19);
or (A summary of the above-named drugs [from Appendix I to the Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties] is attached hereto as Schedule "A"; and the current regulatory lists are attached hereto as Schedule "B"); and
(e)   All other Monitored Drugs (as defined under the Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010, S.O. 2010, c. 22 as noted in Schedule "C"); and as amended from time to time.
Posting a Sign     

(2)   Dr. Matheson shall post a sign in the waiting room(s) of his office, in a clearly visible and secure location, in the form set out at Schedule "D".

For further clarity, this sign shall state as follows: "Dr. Matheson shall not prescribe Narcotic Drugs, Narcotic Preparations, Controlled Drugs, Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances, or any other Monitored Drugs. Further information may be found on the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario website at". 

(3)   Dr. Matheson shall post a certified translation in any language in which he provides services, of the sign described in paragraph 5.(2) above, in the waiting room(s) of his office.

(4)   Dr. Matheson shall provide the certified translation(s) described in paragraph 5.(3), to the College within thirty (30) days of this Order. 

(5)   Should Dr. Matheson elect to provide services in any other language(s), he must notify the College prior to providing any such services. 

(6)   Dr. Matheson shall provide to the College the certified translation(s) described in paragraph 5.(4) prior to beginning to provide services in the language(s) described in paragraph 5.(5). 


(7)  At his own expense, Dr. Matheson shall participate in and successfully complete, within 6 months of the date of this Order, the following programs: 

a)    Medical Record Keeping;
b)    Opioid Prescribing; and
c)    Individualized instruction in medical ethics satisfactory to the College, with an instructor selected by the College.

(8)   Dr. Matheson must inform the College of each and every location that he practises or has privileges, including, but not limited to, hospital(s), clinic(s) and office(s), in any jurisdiction (collectively the "Practice Location(s)"), within five (5) days of commencing practice at that location.

(9)   Dr. Matheson shall be solely responsible for payment of all fees, costs, charges, expenses, etc. arising from the implementation of any of the terms of this Order. 

(10)  Dr. Matheson shall co-operate with unannounced inspections of his Practice Location(s) and patient charts by the College and to any other activity the College deems necessary in order to monitor his compliance with the terms of this Order. 

(11)  Dr. Matheson shall provide his irrevocable consent to the College to make appropriate enquiries of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan ("OHIP"), the Drug Program Services Branch, the Narcotics Monitoring System ("NMS")
implemented under the Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010 and any person or institution that may have relevant information, in order for the College to monitor his compliance with the terms of this Order. 

(12)  Dr. Matheson acknowledges that the College may provide this Order to any Chief(s) of Staff, or a colleague with similar responsibilities, at any Practice Location where he practices or has privileges ("Chief(s) of
Staff"), or other person or individual as necessary for the implementation of this Order and shall consent to the College providing to said Chief(s) of Staff, person or organization with any information the College has that led to this Order and/or any information arising from the monitoring of his compliance with this Order.

Previous Hearings

Committee: Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal
Decision Date: 14 Jun 2022

The Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal found that Dr. Matheson contravened a term, condition or limitation on his certificate of registration and engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct. He did so by breaching his undertaking to the College, signed March 3, 2021, that he would wear a surgical mask during all in-person encounters and require his staff to do the same while at work; failing to abide by COVID-19 public health directives about mask wearing; and giving patients information on COVID-19 that was inconsistent with public health and College directives.

The Tribunal ordered that:
  • Dr. Matheson attend before the panel to be reprimanded;
  • the Registrar suspend Dr. Matheson’s certificate of registration for nine months commencing immediately;
  • the Registrar place the following terms, conditions and limitations on Dr. Matheson’s certificate of registration effective immediately:
i. Dr. Matheson shall not communicate to his patients advice or recommendations that are contrary to directives and/or guidelines issued by the provincial government or public health authorities regarding public health measures related to COVID-19.
  • Dr. Matheson pay the College costs in the amount of $6,000.00 by July 14, 2022.
More detail can be found in the reasons for decision linked below. The exhibits, including the Agreed Statement of Facts, can be obtained by contacting the Tribunal Office at [email protected]

Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): 2022-06-14


Committee: Discipline
Decision Date: 01 May 2017

On May 1, 2017, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Jeffrey Rice Holmes Matheson committed an act of professional misconduct in that he has failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession and in that he has engaged in an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable, or unprofessional.

Dr. Matheson is a family physician practising in Ajax. Beginning in 2002, Dr. Matheson developed a specialty in Chronic Pain Management.


During the period from July, 2013 to October, 2014, the College received four telephone calls from four pharmacists raising concerns about Dr. Matheson’s prescribing practices.

The College retained an expert to review Dr. Matheson’s opioid prescribing. The expert concluded that Dr. Matheson did not meet the expected standard of practice as outlined in the Canadian Guidelines either at the level of primary care physicians, or at a reasonably higher standard of physicians, like Dr. Matheson, holding themselves out as a specialist in the field. The experts concerns included that:
- Dr. Matheson consistently demonstrated a lack of understanding of the expectations outlined in the Canadian guidelines with respect to instituting opioid therapy, following up, changing from one opioid to another and the medical implications of high-dose opioids.
- Dr. Matheson consistently demonstrated an almost cavalier approach to switching opioids, most often increasing the total daily morphine equivalent, by as much as 30% rather than allowing for incomplete tolerance and decreasing by 30 – 50%, all the time with no documentation of discussion around the driving or fall risk.
- Dr. Matheson’s greatest failure of judgment is perhaps his complete lack of adherence to and recognition of the importance of the fundamental importance of the Canadian guidelines to an opioid practice. That he would initiate a specialty pain practice in October 2013, 3 years after the Canadian guidelines were published in large volumes without adequately tracing this process, all shows a significant lack of judgment to the point of negligence causing harm.
- Dr. Matheson’s prescribing of opioids and failure to follow any standards of care beyond opioid agreements is nothing short of reckless…there is a risk to both his clients health and that of the public at large.

As a result of concerns raised by the College and its expert during the investigation, Dr.Matheson voluntarily ceased prescribing narcotics and controlled substances on March 16, 2015.On May 28, 2015, Dr. Matheson signed a formal interim undertaking to cease prescribing narcotics and controlled substances.


Dr. Matheson was a medical director of premises that were subject to the inspection / assessment regime at the College under regulation. Pursuant to the regulation, no person may perform procedures as defined in the regulation, in premises, unless the College “passes” the premises or passes it with conditions that allow procedures to be performed.

On September 9, 2014, the College’s Out of Hospital Premises Inspection Program received notice that Dr. Matheson’s premises was intending to move in December 2014 and advised Dr.Matheson that the premises must be assessed prior to becoming operational.

The new premises were inspected on February 2, 2015. Dr. Matheson was provided with the Inspection Assessment Report, which noted some deficiencies, and was asked twice to submit feedback for consideration by the Premises Inspection Committee. Although Dr. Matheson was given deadlines on both of those occasions, he did not respond.

On June 11, 2015, Dr. Matheson’s premises were subject to an unannounced visit by the Premises Inspection Program. During the inspection, Dr. Matheson acknowledged that he had been performing “Level 2” procedures at the premises since February.

On June 19, 2015, Dr. Matheson’s premises received a grade of “Fail”. The Premises Inspection Committee informed Dr. Matheson of its concern that there was a risk to patient health and safety as Dr. Matheson performed procedures at this premises without the approval of the Committee. The Committee further informed Dr. Matheson that he failed, by act or omission, to comply with any duty or requirement under the regulation.

On May 1, 2017, the Discipline Committee ordered and directed on the matter of penalty and costs that:
- the Registrar suspend Dr. Matheson’s certificate of registration for four (4) months commencing May 1, 2017;
- Dr. Matheson appear before the panel to be reprimanded;
- the Registrar impose the following terms, conditions and limitations on Dr. Matheson’s Certificate of Registration:

Prescribing Privileges
(1) Dr. Matheson shall not issue new prescriptions or renew existing prescriptions for any of the following substances:
(a) Narcotic Drugs (from the Narcotic Control Regulations made under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, S.C., 1996, c. 19);
(b) Narcotic Preparations (from the Narcotic Control Regulations made under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, S.C., 1996, c. 19);
(c) Controlled Drugs (from Part G of the Food and Drug Regulations under the Food and Drugs Act, S.C., 1985, c. F-27);
(d) Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances (from the Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations made under
the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act., S.C., 1996, c. 19); or (A summary of the above-named drugs [from Appendix I to the Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties] is attached hereto as Schedule “A”; and the current regulatory lists are attached hereto as Schedule “B”); and
(e) All other Monitored Drugs (as defined under the Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010, S.O. 2010, c. 22 as noted in Schedule “C”); and as amended from time to time.
Posting a Sign
(2) Dr. Matheson shall post a sign in the waiting room(s) of his office, in a clearly visible and secure location, in the form set out at Schedule “D”. For further clarity, this sign shall state as follows: "Dr. Matheson shall not prescribe Narcotic Drugs, Narcotic Preparations, Controlled Drugs, Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances, or any other Monitored Drugs. Further information may be found on the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario website at".
(3) Dr. Matheson shall post a certified translation in any language in which he provides services, of the sign described in paragraph 5.(2) above, in the waiting room(s) of his office.
(4) Dr. Matheson shall provide the certified translation(s) described in paragraph 5.(3), to the College within thirty (30) days of this Order.
(5) Should Dr. Matheson elect to provide services in any other language(s), he must notify the College prior to providing any such services.
(6) Dr. Matheson shall provide to the College the certified translation(s) described in paragraph 5.(4) prior to beginning to provide services in the language(s) described in paragraph 5.(5).
(7) At his own expense, Dr. Matheson shall participate in and successfully complete, within 6 months of the date of this Order, the following programs:
a) Medical Record Keeping;
b) Opioid Prescribing; and
c) Individualized instruction in medical ethics satisfactory to the College, with an instructor selected by the College.
(8) Dr. Matheson must inform the College of each and every location that he practises or has privileges, including, but not limited to, hospital(s), clinic(s) and office(s),in any jurisdiction (collectively the "Practice Location(s)"), within five (5) days of commencing practice at that location.
(9) Dr. Matheson shall be solely responsible for payment of all fees, costs, charges, expenses, etc. arising from the implementation of any of the terms of this Order.
(10) Dr. Matheson shall co-operate with unannounced inspections of his Practice Location(s) and patient charts by the College and to any other activity the College deems necessary in order to monitor his compliance with the terms of this Order.
(11) Dr. Matheson shall provide his irrevocable consent to the College to make appropriate enquiries of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan ("OHIP"), the Drug Program Services Branch, the Narcotics Monitoring System ("NMS") implemented under the Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010 and any person or institution that may have relevant information, in order for the College to monitor his compliance with the terms of this Order.
(12) Dr. Matheson acknowledges that the College may provide this Order to any Chief(s) of Staff, or a colleague with similar responsibilities, at any Practice Location where he practices or has privileges ("Chief(s) of Staff"), or other person or individual as necessary for the implementation of this Order and shall consent to the College providing to said Chief(s) of Staff, person or organization with any information the College has that led to this Order and/or any information arising from the monitoring of his compliance with this Order.
- Dr. Matheson pay costs to the College in the amount of $6,663.60 within thirty (30) days of the date this Order becomes final.

Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): Hearing: May 1, 2017


Source: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
Active Date: September 14, 2023
Expiry Date:
A summary of a decision of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee in which the disposition includes a "caution-in-person" is required by the College by-laws to be posted on the register, along with a note if the decision has been appealed.  A “caution-in-person” disposition requires the physician to attend at the College and be verbally cautioned by a panel of the Committee.  The summary will be removed from the register if the decision is overturned on appeal or review. Note that this requirement only applies to decisions arising out of a complaint dated on or after January 1, 2015, or if there was no complaint, the first appointment of investigators dated on or after January 1, 2015.

See PDF for the summary of a decision made against this member in which the disposition includes a Caution-in-Person:
Download Full Document (PDF)


Source: Member
Active Date: March 14, 2023
Expiry Date:
Summary of the Undertaking given by Dr. Jeffrey Rice Holmes Matheson to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, effective March 14, 2023:

Dr. Matheson will comply with all COVID-19 public health directives, protocols and guidelines issued by Ontario Public Health and/or the Ontario government applicable to physicians and healthcare facilities in Ontario, while in effect and as may be amended from time to time.


Source: Member
Active Date: August 11, 2020
Expiry Date:
Summary of the Undertaking given by Dr. Jeffrey Rice Holmes Matheson to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, effective August 11, 2020:

A College investigation was conducted into whether Dr. Matheson engaged in professional misconduct and/or was incompetent in the practice of complementary/alternative medicine. As a result of the investigation, Dr. Matheson must not prescribe complementary/alternative medications or treatments to patients on the basis of an assessment conducted by someone else outside the province of Ontario.


Source: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
Active Date: November 20, 2019
Expiry Date:
A summary of a decision of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee in which the disposition includes a "caution-in-person" is required by the College by-laws to be posted on the register, along with a note if the decision has been appealed.  A “caution-in-person” disposition requires the physician to attend at the College and be verbally cautioned by a panel of the Committee.  The summary will be removed from the register if the decision is overturned on appeal or review. Note that this requirement only applies to decisions arising out of a complaint dated on or after January 1, 2015, or if there was no complaint, the first appointment of investigators dated on or after January 1, 2015.

See PDF for the summary of a decision made against this member in which the disposition includes a Caution-in-Person:
Download Full Document (PDF)


Source: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
Active Date: December 5, 2018
Expiry Date:

A summary of a decision of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee in which the disposition includes a "caution-in-person" is required by the College by-laws to be posted on the register, along with a note if the decision has been appealed. A “caution-in-person” disposition requires the physician to attend at the College and be verbally cautioned by a panel of the Committee. The summary will be removed from the register if the decision is overturned on appeal or review. Note that this requirement only applies to decisions arising out of a complaint dated on or after January 1, 2015 or if there was no complaint, the first appointment of investigators dated on or after January 1, 2015.

See PDF for the summary of a decision made against this member in which the disposition includes a caution-in-person.
Download Full Document (PDF)


Source: Member
Active Date: February 16, 2016
Expiry Date:
Summary of the Undertaking given by Dr. Jeffrey Rice Holmes Matheson to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, effective February 16, 2016:

Dr. Matheson is the subject of a referral to the Discipline Committee into allegations that he has failed to maintain the standard of practice, is incompetent and has engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct in his pain management practice. As a result of the referral:

•Dr. Matheson must co-operate with unannounced inspections of his practice to ensure compliance with the out of hospital premises regulation and with his previous undertaking not to prescribe narcotics or controlled drugs, which remains in full force and effect.