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Belanger, Mathieu

CPSO#: 94840

Active Member as of 01 Aug 2023
Restricted as of 15 Feb 2018


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Former Name: No Former Name

Gender: Male

Languages Spoken: English, French

Education: Université de Montréal Faculté de Médeci, 2007

Practice Information

Primary Location of Practice
1328 Labrie Ave
Inovo Medical
Gloucester ON  K1B 3M1
Phone: (613) 749-4668 Electoral District: 07

Professional Corporation Information

Corporation Name: Mathieu Belanger Medicine Professional Corporation
Certificate of Authorization Status: Issued Date:  Apr 18 2011

Dr. M. Belanger ( CPSO# 94840 )

Business Address:
Inovo Medical
1328 Labrie Avenue
Ottawa ON  K1B 3M1
Phone Number: (613) 749-4668


Specialty Issued On Type
No Speciality Reported

Registration History

Action Issue Date
First certificate of registration issued: Independent Practice Certificate Effective: 15 Feb 2011
Transfer of class of certificate to: Restricted certificate Effective: 15 Feb 2018
Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by Discipline Committee Effective: 15 Feb 2018
Suspension of registration imposed: Discipline Committee Effective: 17 Feb 2018
Suspension of registration removed Effective: 17 Jul 2018
Terms and conditions amended by Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee Effective: 03 Oct 2019
Terms and conditions amended by Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee Effective: 07 Nov 2019
Terms and conditions amended by Discipline Committee Effective: 12 Dec 2022
Suspension of registration imposed: Discipline Committee Effective: 01 Feb 2023
Suspension of registration removed Effective: 01 Aug 2023

Practice Restrictions

Imposed By Effective Date Expiry Date Status
Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal Effective: 01 Aug 2023 Active
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As from December 12, 2022, by order of the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the following terms, conditions and limitations are imposed on the certificate of registration held by Dr. Mathieu Belanger:

Practice Restriction

a. Dr. Bélanger will not perform any procedure(s) that can only be performed in an Out-of-Hospital Premises, as defined in Part XI of the Ontario Regulation 114/94 under the Medicine Act, 1991 and the OHPIP Program Standards (as amended from time to time) and/or as determined by the College.

Individualized Instruction in Ethics

b. Within six (6) months of the date of this Order, Dr. Bélanger will participate in and successfully complete individualized instruction in medical ethics satisfactory to the College, with an instructor selected by the College. Upon completion of the instruction, the instructor shall provide a report to the College addressing whether Dr. Bélanger met the learning objectives identified, demonstrated insight, and showed an understanding of the relevant ethical principles.

Clinical Supervision

c. Prior to resuming practice after the period of suspension of his certificate of registration, Dr. Bélanger will retain a College-approved Clinical Supervisor, who will sign an undertaking in the form attached as Schedule "A" to this Order (the "Clinical Supervisor").

d. For a minimum period of twelve (12) months after resuming practice, Dr. Bélanger will practice under the guidance of the Clinical Supervisor ("Clinical Supervision").

e. Dr. Bélanger shall cooperate fully with the Clinical Supervision of his practice, which shall contain the following elements:

i. Dr. Bélanger shall meet with his Clinical Supervisor at his Practice Location once every two (2) weeks for a minimum of three (3) months;

ii. After a minimum of three (3) months of Clinical Supervision, if Dr. Bélanger's Clinical Supervisor recommends and the College approves a reduction in Clinical Supervision, the Clinical Supervisor will meet with Dr. Bélanger at his Practice Location once every month for an additional minimum of three (3) months;

iii. After a minimum of six (6) months of Clinical Supervision, if the Clinical Supervisor recommends and the College approves a further reduction in Clinical Supervision, the Clinical Supervisor will meet with Dr. Bélanger at his Practice Location once every three (3) months for an additional six (6) months ("Low Level Supervision");

iv. The Clinical Supervisor shall review at least fifteen (15) of Dr. Bélanger's patient charts and the corresponding OHIP claim submissions and/or billings at every meeting;
v. For the first six (6) months of Clinical Supervision, the Clinical Supervisor shall directly observe at least three (3) patient encounters at every meeting;

vi. The Clinical Supervisor shall discuss with Dr. Bélanger any concerns arising from the observation of patients or chart reviews, and will make recommendations to Dr. Bélanger for practice improvements and ongoing professional development and inquire into his compliance with the recommendations;

vii. The Clinical Supervisor may perform any other duties, such as reviewing additional patient records, OHIP billings and/or conducting interviews with staff or colleagues, that the Clinical Supervisor deems necessary to the Clinical Supervision; and

viii. The Clinical Supervisor shall submit written reports to the College at least once every month for the first six (6) months, or until the College approves a reduction in the level of supervision to Low Level Supervision, then once every three (3) months for the remaining six (6) months, or more frequently if the Supervisor has concerns about Dr. Bélanger's standard of practice.

f. If a person who has given an undertaking in Schedule "A" to this Order is unable or unwilling to continue to fulfill its provisions, Dr. Bélanger shall, within twenty (20) days of receiving notice of same, obtain an executed undertaking in the same form from a similarly qualified person who is acceptable to the College and ensure that it is delivered to the College within that time.

g. Dr. Bélanger will cooperate fully with the Clinical Supervision of his practice, conducted under the term of this Order and Schedule "A", and shall abide by the recommendations of the Clinical Supervisor, including but not limited to, any recommended practice improvements and ongoing professional development.

h. If Dr. Bélanger is unable to obtain a Clinical Supervisor in accordance with this Order, he will cease practising medicine until such time as he has obtained a Clinical Supervisor acceptable to the College, and the fact that he has ceased to practise medicine will be a term, condition or limitation on his certificate of registration, which shall be included on the College's public register.

Reassessment of Practice

i. Approximately six (6) months after the completion of the period of Clinical Supervision set out above, Dr. Bélanger will submit to a reassessment of his practice ("the Reassessment") by an assessor or assessors selected by the College (the "Assessor"). The Reassessment shall include a chart review of a minimum of fifteen (15) charts and the corresponding OHIP billings, and may include direct observation of Dr. Bélanger's care, interviews with Dr. Bélanger, colleagues and co-workers, feedback from patients, and any other tools deemed necessary by the College.

j. Dr. Bélanger will co-operate fully with the Reassessment, conducted under the term of this Order.

k. Dr. Bélanger acknowledges that the Clinical Supervisor may receive and review the findings of the Assessor, and may discuss with the Assessor any issues or concerns arising from the Reassessment.
l. Dr. Bélanger acknowledges that the results of the Reassessment will be provided to him and reported to the College and the Reassessment may form the basis of further action by the College.


m. Dr. Bélanger must inform the College of each and every location at which he practice, delegate, or have privileges, including, but not limited to, any hospitals, clinics, offices, and any Out-of-Hospital Premises or Independent Health Facilities with which he is affiliated, in any jurisdiction (collectively the "Practice Location" or "Practice Locations"), within five (5) days of this Order. Going forward, Dr. Bélanger will inform the College of any and all new Practice Locations within five (5) days of commencing practice at that location.

n. Dr. Bélanger will submit to, and not interfere with, unannounced inspections of his Practice Locations and patient records by a College representative for the purposes of monitoring his compliance with the provisions of this Order.

o. Dr. Bélanger shall give his irrevocable consent to the College to make appropriate enquiries of OHIP, NMS and/or any person who or institution that may have relevant information, in order for the College to monitor his compliance with the provisions of this Order, and shall promptly sign such consents as may be necessary for the College to obtain information from these persons or institutions.

p. Dr. Bélanger shall consent to the sharing of information between the Clinical Supervisor, Assessor and the College as any of them deem necessary or desirable in order to fulfil their respective obligations.

q. Dr. Bélanger shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with implementing the terms of this Order.

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As from 11:59 p.m., February 15, 2018, by order of the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal of the College of  Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the following terms, conditions and limitations are imposed on the certificate of registration held by Dr. Mathieu Belanger:

Approval of the College's Out of Hospital Premises program is required before Dr. Belanger resumes the Medical Director role in an Out of Hospital Premises.

Previous Hearings

Committee: Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal
Decision Date: 12 Dec 2022

Le 12 décembre 2022, le Tribunal a conclu que le Dr Bélanger n'a pas respecté les normes d’exercice de la profession :
  • en tenant des dossiers médicaux inadéquats;
  • en employant dans sa clinique des procédures inadéquates de prévention et de contrôle des infections qui ont causé un préjudice à un patient; et
  • en continuant d’utiliser un flacon de chlorure de calcium cassé, mettant ainsi le patient à des risques de prejudice. 
Le Tribunal a également conclu que le Dr Bélanger s’est livré à une conduite honteuse, déshonorante ou non professionnelle :
  • en demandant à un membre du personnel d’utiliser les  informations d’identification d’un autre médecin pour remplir une demande de consultation dans le DME;
  • en effectuant dans sa clinique des procédures qui n’étaient pas autorisées, puisque la clinique avait échoué à une inspection effectuée par l’Ordre dans le cadre du programme d’inspection des établissements situés hors du milieu hospitalier; et
  • en facturant de manière inappropriée des services au Régime d’assurance-santé de l’Ontario 146 fois en indiquant deux codes différents dans des cas où il n'a pas consigné les éléments requis pour les codes soumis.
Le Tribunal a ordonné  : 
  • au Dr Bélanger de se présenter devant le sous-comité pour être réprimandé;
  • au registrateur de suspendre le certificat d’inscription du Dr Bélanger pour une période de six mois à compter du 1er février 2023;
  • au registrateur d'imposer des conditions et des restrictions au certificat d’inscription du Dr Bélanger;
  • au Dr Bélanger de payer les frais judiciaires de l’Ordre, d’un montant de 6 000 $, au plus tard le 11 janvier 2023. 
Vous trouverez de plus amples détails dans les motifs de décision. Voir le lien ci-dessous. Les motifs du TDMCO sont également accessibles au et au Vous pouvez obtenir les pièces présentées lors de l'audience, y compris l’exposé conjoint des faits, en communiquant avec le greffe du Tribunal au [email protected]

On December 12, 2022, the Tribunal found that Dr. Bélanger failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession by:
  • keeping inadequate records;
  • engaging in inadequate infection prevention and control procedures at his clinic that caused harm to a patient; an
  • continuing to use a broken bottle of calcium chloride, exposing the patient to risk.  
The Tribunal also found that Dr. Bélanger engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct by:
  • directing a staff member to make a referral in the EMR using another physician’s identification information;
  • performing procedures in his clinic that were not permitted to be performed there after the clinic received a fail from the College’s Out of Hospital Premises Inspection Program; and
  • improperly billing OHIP 147 times under two different codes when the conditions for those codes were not met.
The Tribunal ordered that: 
  • Dr. Bélanger attend before the panel to be reprimanded;
  • the Registrar suspend Dr. Bélanger’s certificate of registration for six months commencing February 1, 2023;
  • the Registrar place terms, conditions and limitations on Dr. Bélanger’s certificate of registration;
  • Dr. Bélanger pay costs to the College in the amount of $6,000 by January 11, 2023. 
More detail can be found in the reasons for decision linked below. OPSDT reasons are also available at and The exhibits, including the Agreed Statement of Facts, can be obtained by contacting the Tribunal Office at [email protected]

Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): 2022-12-12


Committee: Discipline
Decision Date: 15 Feb 2018

On February 15, 2018, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Mathieu Bélanger has committed an act of professional misconduct in that he engaged in an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regarding to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.

Dr. Bélanger is a family physician who practises in the area of interventional pain management. Dr. Bélanger currently works at, and owns, the Inovo Medical clinic in Ottawa, a clinic that provides interventional pain management procedures. Dr. Bélanger was the Medical Director of Inovo. Following referral of this matter to discipline and at the request of the College, Dr. Bélanger appointed an acting Medical Director, effective August 22, 2017.

Nerve blocks, which are categorized as Level 2 Interventional Pain Management procedures, are only authorized to be performed in an Out-of-Hospital premises (“OHP”) that is approved by the College. Between October 15 and January 2016, Dr. Bélanger provided interventional pain treatments to patients, including Level 2 nerve blocks, while working in a clinic that was not an approved OHP.

Dr. Bélanger was aware of the requirement that Level 2 procedures can only be performed in an OHP that has been approved and that responsibility for notifying the College’s OHP program is on the physician. He was aware that the clinic where he was performing Level 2 procedures was not an approved OHP, had never been inspected under the Out of Hospital Premises Inspection Program, did not meet program requirements and that he was not authorized to provide Level 2 procedures in that location.

There is no evidence that Dr. Bélanger’s performance of any of these procedures caused any harm to any patients.

As part of the College investigation, information was obtained from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (“OHIP”). The information from OHIP confirms that Dr. Bélanger submitted claims to OHIP between October 21, 2015 and January 13, 2016, for Level 2 procedures, particularly nerve blocks, that were performed by Dr. Bélanger at the clinic that was not an approved OHP. The OHIP information indicates that between October 21, 2015 and January 13, 2016, Dr. Bèlanger billed approximately $103,428.00 for performing Level 2 procedures in the clinic that was not an approved OHP, that are only authorized to be performed in an OHP.


The Discipline Committee ordered that:

- The Registrar suspend Dr. Bélanger’s Certificate of Registration for a five (5) month period, effective February 17th, 2018 at 12:01 a.m.
- The Registrar to impose the following terms, conditions and limitations on Dr. Bélanger’s Certificate of Registration:
o Dr. Bélanger will successfully complete the PROBE course in ethics and
professionalism, at his own expense, within (twelve) 12 months of the date of this
Order, or any alternate course in ethics and professionalism approved by the College. Dr. Bélanger will agree to abide by any recommendations of the PROBE program
and provide proof of completion to the College;
o Approval of the College’s Out of Hospital Premises program is required before Dr.
Bélanger resumes the Medical Director role in an Out of Hospital Premises.
- Dr. Bélanger to appear before the panel to be reprimanded.
- Dr. Bélanger to pay to the College its costs of this proceeding in the amount of $5,500 within ninety (90) days from the date of this Order.

Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): February 15, 2018