Committee: Discipline
Decision Date: 23 Dec 1998
In December 1998, the Discipline Committee found Dr. Krop guilty of professional misconduct as defined in Ontario Regulation 548/90, as amended, in that he failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession, contrary to s. 29(22).
On June 22, 1999, the Discipline Committee ordered the following penalty:
1) A reprimand, with the fact of the reprimand to be recorded on the Register;
2) Dr. Krop(s certificate of registration is to be subject to the following conditions:
(a) Dr. Krop is required to adhere to the 11 recommendations with respect to members, from the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Complementary Medicine, for assessing patients, treating patients and advancing knowledge;
(b) In addition, prior to any use of Vega testing, provocation neutralization testing, serial dilution end point titration testing for non-inhalant sensitivities including candida-related sensitivity, and hair analysis when not used in the diagnosis of heavy metal toxicity or essential element deficiency, Dr. Krop:
(I) is required to provide to the patient sufficient information to make informed choices;
(ii) is required not to misrepresent information or opinion; and
(iii) is required to give the patient the general degree of certainty or uncertainty of efficacy of the test(s), notwithstanding his individual beliefs.
Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Appeal: Appeal Dismissed
Appeal Decision Date: 2002-01-30
Hearing Date(s): Apr 27, 1998