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McInnis, James Edward Roland

CPSO#: 81548

Revoked: Discipline Committee as of 21 Mar 2024
21 Mar 2024
Restricted as of 12 Sep 2012


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Former Name: No Former Name

Gender: Male

Languages Spoken: English

Education: Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, 2004

Practice Information

Primary Location of Practice
Practice Address Not Available


Specialty Issued On Type
Family Medicine Effective:06 Dec 2006 CFPC Specialist

Postgraduate Training

Please note: This information may not be a complete record of postgraduate training.

McMaster University, 01 Jul 2004 to 30 Jun 2005
PostGrad Yr 1 - Family Medicine

McMaster University, 01 Jul 2005 to 30 Jun 2006
PostGrad Yr 2 - Family Medicine

Registration History

Action Issue Date
First certificate of registration issued: Postgraduate Education Certificate Effective: 01 Jul 2004
Expired: Terms and conditions of certificate of registration Expiry: 30 Jun 2006
Subsequent certificate of registration issued: Restricted certificate Effective: 12 Jul 2006
Expired: Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by Registration Committee Effective: 07 Dec 2006
Subsequent certificate of registration Issued: Independent Practice Certificate Effective: 07 Dec 2006
Transfer of class of certificate to: Restricted certificate Effective: 23 Jul 2010
Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by member Effective: 23 Jul 2010
Transfer of class of registration to: Independent Practice Certificate Effective: 23 Feb 2011
Suspension of registration imposed: Discipline Committee Effective: 02 Apr 2011
Suspension of registration removed Effective: 01 Jul 2011
Transfer of class of certificate to: Restricted certificate Effective: 12 Sep 2012
Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by member Effective: 12 Sep 2012
Terms and conditions amended by Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee Effective: 24 May 2013
Suspension of registration imposed: Discipline Committee Effective: 14 Jun 2013
Suspension of registration removed Effective: 14 Aug 2013
Suspension of registration imposed: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee Effective: 26 Nov 2019
Suspension of registration imposed: Registration Committee Effective: 27 Jan 2024
Expired: Resigned from membership. Expiry: 15 Mar 2024
Revocation by Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal Effective: 21 Mar 2024

Previous Hearings

Committee: Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal
Decision Date: 26 Jan 2024

In its reasons for decision released January 26, 2024, the Tribunal found that Dr. McInnis: 
  • failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession, in his prescribing, dispensing and storing of office use medications and in his care and treatment of patients 
Committed sexual abuse of: 
  • Patient A, by having a sexual relationship with Patient A and providing her with drugs in exchange for sex;  
  • Nurse C, his patient and practice monitor, by having a sexual relationship with her. 
The Tribunal further found that Dr. McInnis engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct by: 
  • pursuing a sexual relationship with Patient E and giving Patient E narcotics for her own use and for their use together; 
  • providing care to Patient F while having a sexual relationship with his fiancée; 
  • making personal comments about Nurse C’s appearance, touching her in inappropriate ways and having sexual intercourse with her; 
  • attempting to interfere with the College’s investigation by asking a patient to lie to the College. 
On March 20, 2024, following a penalty hearing, the Tribunal ordered that:
  • the registrant be reprimanded in writing
  • the Registrar revoke the registrant’s certificate of registration effective 12:01 a.m. on March 21, 2024
  • the registrant pay the College costs of $177,920.00 by April 22, 2024
  • the registrant reimburse the College $35,880.00 for funding provided for therapy and counselling under s. 85.7 of the Code and to post security acceptable to the College to guarantee payment of these amounts.
More detail can be found in the reasons for decision linked below, on the OPSDT website at and The exhibits can be obtained by contacting the Tribunal Office at [email protected]

Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): Merits: Oct 3-6, 10-13, 17-20, 23-27 and Nov 6, 2023; Penalty: Mar 20, 2024; Reprimand in writing: Mar 21, 2024


Committee: Discipline
Decision Date: 24 May 2013

On May 24, 2013, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. James Edward Roland McInnis committed an act of professional misconduct, in that he has engaged in conduct or an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional. Dr. McInnis admitted the allegation.

Dr. McInnis is a family physician. At the time of the incidents described below, Dr. McInnis was employed as an emergency physician at Hospital X. The complainant, Nurse A, was a registered nurse employed in the emergency department of Hospital X at the time of the incidents.

In February, 2011, Dr. McInnis made repeated flirtatious comments to Nurse A with respect to her physical appearance. The comments were made in the presence of other colleagues. Nurse A felt uncomfortable as a result of the repeated inappropriate comments. In or around February of 2011, Dr. McInnis told Nurse A about a nearby coffee shop he liked to attend. Nurse A reasonably perceived this as a personal invitation and declined, explaining that she was uncomfortable with the invitation. She advised Dr. McInnis that she wanted to maintain a strictly physician/nurse relationship.

Nurse A stated that on more than one occasion while giving Nurse A orders to complete on a patient, Dr. McInnis put his arm around her shoulder.

On March 6, 2011, during the night shift at approximately midnight, Nurse A bumped into Dr. McInnis at a bank machine located in the hospital. As a result of Dr. McInnis' behaviour at the bank machine, Nurse A felt very uncomfortable. During their exchange at the bank machine, which was depicted on a DVD containing footage from two different hospital surveillance cameras, Dr. McInnis reached his left hand towards Nurse A, attempting to place it onto Nurse A's forearm. Nurse A moved away from Dr. McInnis so that he could not touch her, making it clear that his actions were unwanted. Dr. McInnis left the area, but later returned and continued speaking to Nurse A. Dr. McInnis walked straight towards Nurse A, very close to her, placed his left hand behind her back, and leaned in towards her, attempting to kiss her. Nurse A turned her face away from Dr. McInnis avoiding his approach, once again clearly communicating to him that this conduct was unwelcome and uninvited. Despite this, Dr. McInnis then placed his left arm around her back, pulling her towards him and kissed her on the left cheek. Nurse A did not participate in the half embrace.

The Committee ordered and directed that:

the Registrar suspend Dr. McInnis's certificate of registration for a period of two (2) months commencing at 12:01 a.m. on June 14, 2013.
the Registrar impose the following terms, conditions and limitations on Dr. McInnis's certificate of registration:

i) Dr. McInnis shall conduct all professional encounters with female patients in the presence of a monitor who is a regulated health professional acceptable to the College. Dr. McInnis shall not be alone with any female patient, for any length of time, during any professional encounter, whether or not the parent or guardian of the patient is also present.
ii) Dr. McInnis shall ensure that the monitor shall:

a. provide reports to the College on at least a monthly basis including confirmation regarding Dr. McInnis' compliance with this Order and Dr. McInnis' professionalism with office staff;
b. remain in the examination or consulting room at all times during all professional encounters with all female patients;
c. carefully observe all of Mr. McInnis's physical examinations of all of his female patients including but not limited to internal examinations of female patients;
d. maintain a log of all female patient encounters;
e. initial all corresponding entries in the records of patients noted in the log
f. submit the original log to the College on a monthly basis.

iii) Dr. McInnis shall inform the College of each and every location where he practises including, but not limited to, hospital(s), clinic(s) and office(s), in any jurisdiction within 15 days of commencing practise at that location.

iv) Dr. McInnis shall post a sign in his waiting room and in each of his examination rooms, in clearly visible locations that states: "Dr. McInnis may only have encounters with female patients, of any age, in the presence of a practice monitor acceptable to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Dr. McInnis may not be alone with any female patient unless this practice monitor is present in the examination or consulting room."

v) Dr. McInnis shall ensure that all female members of his current office staff review this Order and the Agreed Statement of Facts by no later than May 31, 2013 and shall ensure that that, if any new female office staff is hired during a period of two years from the date of this Order, any such staff shall review this Order and the Agreed Statement of Facts prior to starting work for Dr. McInnis.

the Registrar impose the following additional term and condition on Dr. McInnis's certificate of registration:

i) Dr. McInnis shall continue in psychotherapy with his therapist or a therapist approved by the College, on a regular basis, for a minimum of two years from the date of this Order. Regular psychotherapy should continue until the therapist recommends, subject to the College's approval, that psychotherapy is no longer required and
ii) Dr. McInnis shall ensure that the therapist provides written reports to the College every 3 months for the 2 year period, at Dr. McInnis's expense.

Dr. McInnis appear before the panel to be reprimanded.
Dr. McInnis pay costs to the College in the amount of $3,650.00 within 30 days of the date of this Order.

Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Appeal: No Appeal
Hearing Date(s): May 24, 2013


Committee: Discipline
Decision Date: 23 Feb 2011

On February 23, 2011, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. James Edward Roland McInnis committed an act of professional misconduct, in that he engaged in conduct or an act or acts relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional; and in that he has been found guilty of an offence that is relevant to his suitability to practise.

Dr. McInnis' conduct involved boundary violations in the form of inappropriate communications with and conduct towards Patient A, Patient B and a colleague. At a Court Martial held on August 23, 2010, Dr. McInnis pled guilty to two offences of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline contrary to s.129 of the National Defence Act, in respect of allegations made by Patient A and Patient B.

The Discipline Committee ordered and directed that:

1. Dr. McInnis appear before the panel to be reprimanded.

2. The Registrar suspend Dr. McInnis' certificate of registration for a period of three (3) months (90 days) commencing at 12:01 a.m. on April 2, 2011.

3. Dr. McInnis pay to the College costs in the amount of $3650.00 within 60 days of the date of this Order.

Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Appeal: No Appeal
Hearing Date(s): Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Source: Member
Active Date: May 6, 2024
Expiry Date:
Summary of the Undertaking given by Dr. James Edward Roland McInnis to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, effective May 6, 2024:
Dr. McInnis was referred to the Discipline Tribunal on allegations of sexual abuse of a patient and disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct. After the allegations were referred to the Discipline Tribunal and prior to a hearing, Dr. McInnis resigned his certificate of registration with the College. Dr. McInnis has agreed never to apply or reapply for registration as a physician in Ontario.
Download Full Document (PDF)